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After the Candela Draco was slain, the entire world plunged into the abyss of darkness. The frigid temperature rapidly dropped, shrouding the continent in endless cold. People fell into despair and fear, yearning to reclaim the light and break free from the shackles of darkness.

4600 AD -
Solis Occidit 

4648 AD -
Lux Resurgit 

On this land engulfed in darkness, there existed a now extinct race whose priests meticulously dissected the body of the Candela Draco through arcane magic. Utilizing enigmatic rites and mystical techniques, they created a batch of pseudo-dragons, becoming the beacon of hope for light.

4648 AD -
Lux Resurgit 

However, these pseudo-dragons were far from perfect, bearing inherent deficiencies. They could only control a small portion of the region's day and night, unable to illuminate the entire continent. Despite this, people still placed their hope in them, hoping to at least reclaim the light in a small area through the power of these pseudo-dragons.


5896 AD -
Quattuor Disparatio

The pseudo-dragons, despite their remarkable powers, were bound by limitations.  As various populations congregated in confined spaces, tensions rose, and conflicts became a frequent occurrence.  The most devastating clash, known as the "Adinasian Shift," erupted in the year 5886 AD, resulting in the extinction of one-third of the races.


In the wake of the dwindling pseudo-dragons, the remaining races united and formed five factions. They divided the remaining pseudo-dragons among themselves and embarked on separate journeys to different regions, establishing their own kingdoms.

5896 AD -
Quattuor Disparatio

Shadow of Draconis

Shadow of Draconis is an open-ended interactive hypertext novel created by Lu Jiaai that welcomes your reading and creation!

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